
Friday, September 4, 2009

School Assembly

There was a school assembly today, September 4, 2009. Mr. Pina came in and talked to us and told us about how we are the first graduating class in 2009-2010. We had a special guest come in and talk to us on how it's so important to stay in school and get our education. His name is Leon Quan and he told us about his life. He told us a story about him and his brother how his brother is in jail for murder. He got to that position by letting his friend tell him what to do in his life and how he threw away his four years of high school. Mr. Leon Quan was trying to teach us is to stay in school and make the right decisions.

by Vanessa

Today at Castro Middle School we saw a person named Mr. Leon Quan. He was talking to the 8th graders talking about his personal life. And he was talking about how to be respectful to your teacher but not also to teacher but your classmates and your parents. Then he was talking about how he made a book and most people like it. How he did not make his CD and he did. Mostly about how we need to catch our dreams. He made us feel exited that we are the first ones to graduate from Castro Middle School in 2010. We at Castro Middle School are going to do well on the AIMS and pass 8th grade.

by Delma

Today at Castro there was a spokesman named Leon Quan. He was giving us a speech about being proud about being the first graduates of Raul H. Castro and about something that happened to his brother. Leon Quan is a traveling spokesman. He gives his speeches to other schools around the country. He started a rock concert here in Phoenix, Arizona.

by Raul

Today a guy named Leon Quan came to Raul H. Castro Middle School to talk about respect and also how we are the first graduates of Raul H. Castro Middle School. Leon Quan has been all over the world to talk to schools. Mr. Quan was also funny. I liked the part when he told the story when he rapped.

by Oscar

Friday's Assembly

Today we had a speech from a very important guy. His name is Mr. Leon Quan. He did a speech about respect. He told us a story about him and his brother. The story was about him and his brother going different ways. Mr. Quan is a person that travels around the country and his brother, which we don’t know his name because he didn’t tell us his name, is in jail. The story was sad because what happened to his brother. Mr. Quan wrote a book. His brother went to jail because he didn’t listen to others, not even his parents.


Today at Raul H. Castro Middle School, we had an assembly. A man named Leon Quan was at our school because he wanted to tell us about his brother that listened to what other people told him. Today his brother is in prison because he shot a woman that was pregnant and she died in her husband’s lap. His message is to not make bad choices. The assembly began at 10:50pm. After a while he said he had to leave so every person that passed by him he shook their hand.

by Paul

Today at Castro Middle School the school had a guest. His name was Leon Quan. He was at school to tell us about his brother and himself. He told us a warning to not follow his brother's path.

By Jesus

Castro Middle School had an assembly today. Mr. Leon Quan was really funny. He also talked to us about his brother that shot a pregnant woman. That woman and her baby died. It was really sad. I really liked this assembly. It was really fun.

By Kennedy

Today at Castro Middle School, Leon Quan came. He said a lot about himself and his past. He told us his rhymes he did in high school. He even told us the story about his brother. It was a sad story. His brother went to prison for murder. He killed his pregnant wife in an accident in a truck. What is sad is that the wife was only 19. This happened a long time ago.

Esteban E.

The assembly with Leon Quan

Today Leon Quan came to Castro Middle School. He gave us a speech about his brother and his life. He was telling us to keep doing good in the 8th grade so we can be the first ones to graduate. Also he said that we where a plus performing school. He said that he travels around the world. He visits high schools to give speeches. He told us that he was proud of us for being good at castro. Also Mr. PiƱa said that he was proud for being a principal at Castro Midde School.

andres and adan

Our lives in the future

September 4, 2009 there was an assembly in the gym. All the students got to go to the assembly. The reason we had this assembly was so we could understand how to not make mistakes. Mr. Leon Quan made us realize how one mistake could ruin our lives. So as students we have to be careful what we do in life. In this assembly we learned a lot from him.

By: Evelin and Rocy

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Picture Day

September 1, 2009 was our first picture day this year at Raul H. Castro Middle School. Every student got to wear what ever they would like. It was hosted in the gym. The whole school got to take a picture if they would like to buy them. They are also going to be in the year book.

By Evelin and Rocy

School Assembly

There will be a school assembly this Friday. This assembly is to encourage students to try really hard in school. Mr. Pina will be talking to us. The assembly will be taking place in the gym.


Picture Day

Tuesday, we had free dress day because it was picture day. Everyone tried their best to look nice. Those pictures are going to be in the year book. We took the pictures during our electives and we went to the gym to take them. Everyone was on the bleachers. We had to be in alphabetical order but everyone got out of order. Mr. Uttech took 2 cameras so our class could take turns taking pictures of other people getting their year book pictures taken. I took about 4 pictures because we had to take turns of course. Everyone was on the bleachers waiting to take their pictures. The elective teachers were just watching their students. When you took your picture they made you tilt your head and some of the teahcers would let you see your picture. If you didn’t like how you came out there is going to be retakes later in the year. After we took our pictures we went to sit down. Our elective teachers would let us know when we were allowed to leave.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Opinion Article

We should have mirrors because if we have something on our face and we come out with a piece of chocolate then people will laugh at us. Girls need mirrors because we need to fix our hair and guys need mirrors because they need to see what they have between their teeth when they finish eating.


Picture day

Picture day was on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Every student took pictures and teachers did too. We took pictures so we could buy them and put them in the yearbook. The pictures were taken at Castro Middle School. A lot of students cared, especially the girls because they wanted to look good. They took our pictures with special cameras. Yesterday, picture day went great.

Esteban E.

Picture Day

Picture day was September 1, 2009. It took a while to take our pictures since there are over one thousand students at our school. Students were taking pictures first hour all the way to seventh hour. Taking pictures was a lot of fun because you got to see your friends and go outside.

- Vanessa

Monday, August 31, 2009

Castro Pictures

First photography for the Castro Cougar Courier. By Tony and Diana.