
Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday's Assembly

Today we had a speech from a very important guy. His name is Mr. Leon Quan. He did a speech about respect. He told us a story about him and his brother. The story was about him and his brother going different ways. Mr. Quan is a person that travels around the country and his brother, which we don’t know his name because he didn’t tell us his name, is in jail. The story was sad because what happened to his brother. Mr. Quan wrote a book. His brother went to jail because he didn’t listen to others, not even his parents.


Today at Raul H. Castro Middle School, we had an assembly. A man named Leon Quan was at our school because he wanted to tell us about his brother that listened to what other people told him. Today his brother is in prison because he shot a woman that was pregnant and she died in her husband’s lap. His message is to not make bad choices. The assembly began at 10:50pm. After a while he said he had to leave so every person that passed by him he shook their hand.

by Paul

Today at Castro Middle School the school had a guest. His name was Leon Quan. He was at school to tell us about his brother and himself. He told us a warning to not follow his brother's path.

By Jesus

Castro Middle School had an assembly today. Mr. Leon Quan was really funny. He also talked to us about his brother that shot a pregnant woman. That woman and her baby died. It was really sad. I really liked this assembly. It was really fun.

By Kennedy

Today at Castro Middle School, Leon Quan came. He said a lot about himself and his past. He told us his rhymes he did in high school. He even told us the story about his brother. It was a sad story. His brother went to prison for murder. He killed his pregnant wife in an accident in a truck. What is sad is that the wife was only 19. This happened a long time ago.

Esteban E.

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