
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Torrential Rains!

Torrential rains. Officials report torrential rains and landslides have left at least 44 dead, 56 injured and 16 missing. On Monday, President Alvaro Colom has declared three days of national mourning. Around 11,500 residents have been evacuated and 9,000 have taken refuge in shelters, the nation’s disaster agency said. More than 43,000 people are at risk from the more possibility of harder rain., said to be the strongest in over 50 – 60 years. Over the weekend authorities closed part of the Inter- American Highway after rains washed out sections of the road and caused at least two accidents. The May downpours created a sink hole the size of a street intersection northern Guatemala City Residents said three story building and a house fell into the hole!

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