
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


On Monday we took pictures and recorded.It was are first
time taking it but we did kind of good we listen to the
teacher of not talking.I enjoyed it because we recorded
mostly funny parts with are team.We also so coach Dustin
playing with her class baseball.

Yesterday we recorded me and my partners.We recorded the
funny parts and when coach Dustin was playing a game with
some kids in 2 period in P.E. They were enjoying the fun
in baseball.We took pictures and recorded in Mr.Ultech
class,enjoy because it was like free time.

Everyone loves the computer because we learn about how to
use the computer and other electronic device.I wish I can
stay for another year but I'm going to high school in 9th
grade.I hope when I go to high school and use computer
just like Mr.Ultech.

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