
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PE Class

The last semester, I had so much fun in p.e. We played lots of sports in p.e for example; we played football, basketball, kickball, and all other sports we played in p.e. We also had a great time in health class. We learned everything about losing weight and how to see how many calories every food it has. We also did free time on Fridays but not every Friday. We also played medic dodge ball whenever we had a bad weather outside. We sometimes had to do some sports activities or go for a walk for a few laps until class is over. 1st semester was the best!

We also had a great time in health class. We began learning about what’s in our bodies and know how to do CPR. We also do exercises before we go to health class like sit-ups, running from cone-to-cone, jump rope, and all other stuff we do in health class. We also write the definitions in health class that was the best! We sometimes watch a video but not all the time. We also went outside to do obstacle courses some times in health class and also in the gym. We also had to write in our notebooks to take notes in health class. Health class was the best!

Sometimes, we have substitute teachers in p.e when our p.e teachers are absent or unable to go to school. We sometimes play kickball, which is our favorite sport we do when our p.e teachers did not make it to school. P.e and health class sometimes get together to play dodge ball or doing free time sometimes we go to p.e. We started to have fun in p.e and health class because we had good times in that class. We wanted to stay in p.e more but we had to go to our new electives sadly. We will always remember the good times we did in p.e and health classes.

By Karina

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