
Monday, September 14, 2009

An uncle's obituary

On Labor Day something bad happened to one of our family members. My uncle passed away. When we all heard that we all broke down and cried. It was hard for my mom and my cousin, my aunt and also me. After that we called his family to come and see his funeral this past Saturday. We went to El Paso, Texas seeing him buried made me surprised and so upset.

But when I help my cousin and aunt and prepared for the funeral I was also crying with them. All of us were wearing black and white. At supper we were quiet listening to some of his music but then my dad was talking about the pass with laughter. When we all finished,my family was leaving back to Phoenix AZ. My sister and me said bye and with tears and hugs we said goodbye to my uncle.

My dad was driving back on the road and I started remembering how my uncle made a birthday party when I was 9 yrs old and it made me cry seeing him here at my graduation or cheer me up when I’m sad like right now.

But he will always be here with me.


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